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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Israel's Role in Stopping Jihad; Caroline Glick, Pt. 1 of 2

she simply makes a lot of sense

posted by rosie at 5:12 PM


There seem to be two components to antagonism against Israel. Best known is the racism against Jews. The less known is that Israel is seen as a continuation of European colonization of the Middle East.

This latter reason is why there has been conflict in the Middle East for fifty years. It's the basis for most of the problems there. Consider two dictatorships in the region: Saudi Arabia and Libya.

Saudi Arabia keeps its people relatively poor, depsite Aramco's wealth. Libya gives its people money for being citizens - a kind of social benefit paid by oil wealth.

Osama Bin Laden came from Saudi Arabia, and Al Qaeda's funding is coming from there too. Libya has also produced terrorists - but, right now, they are considered an ally, because Libya is threatened by religious terrorists.

What's going on?

I suspect it's like what Obama said about white folks in PA. Some people feel like they're not getting a fair deal, and they're bitter.

That might be the cost of being an ally with the western powers - you aren't given the leeway to maximize profits and share the national wealth, to raise all the people up a little bit. The upshot is, within the working and middle classes, the mass support for terrorism is created.

Incidentally, Israel used to be a socialist country. It was upon this basis of socialism that Israel and the PLO forged the possibility of lasting peace. Since then, however, both sides have moved toward a more nationalistic, religious, hostile position.

I'm serious. The PLO is (or was) a secular, socialist organization. Israel was founded on the ideas of socialism. Today, though, the Jihad and Zionism fight it out on a religious battleground, with rocks, bullets, and racism.

July 10, 2008 at 12:38 AM  

good points, but Caroline Glick who is obviously a more astute observer of the middle east than you and I, urges that we need to understand the nature of the war that israel is fighting. the war is being waged by islamic jihadist whose sincere dream is to establish the caliphate in as many places as possible. this is religious in context but it only became so when peacemakers decided that israel is not worth bargaining for and is essentially alone in recogninzing its enemies whereas the rest of the western world refuses to distinctly aknowledge the real enemy and its interests...the enemy is islamic jihad...

July 13, 2008 at 2:04 PM  

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